Idaho with Danielson Logging

Here in an Idaho forest with Danielson logging, Quadco’s 26B big-cut capacity saw head does its job felling and sorting thick and tall timber. As with all of our B-Series models, the 26B keeps a strong grip on tall stems with its four independent arms and “Arms Down” feature for increased leverage and grip. Each set of arms has two padded cylinders for additional control and durability.

The 26B isn’t only unique for its ability to handle the largest trees—its versatile and powerful saw gets the job done with your choice between a one-piece or four-sided rotatable QuadTooth® segmented disc. Watch as Danielson Logging demonstrates the 26B’s unparalleled control as it smoothly fells and deposits massive trees.

Explore our b models

B-Models enable better leverage of big and tall timber with extended tower and “arms” design. They feature durable cast grab and accumulator arms, each operated independently and an ultra reliable disc drive with easily adjustable bearings.

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