by Quadco Group
Quadco has been revolutionizing the forestry service industry for 30 years, and now we’re setting a new standard with our Quadco Performance Series (QPS) line of teeth. While embracing quality craftsmanship, business relationships, and loggers’ needs, we are continuously looking for new ways to grow and provide the best service possible. These new teeth are a result of that commitment.
As saw teeth are considered a ground engaging tool, we know that they will eventually wear out. With this in mind, we developed a line of teeth that last longer without a higher price tag. Our new QPS teeth are designed with an extended-wear life in mind, boasting additional durability in the tooth without compromising cutting performance or integrity. Made from steel and carbide, Quadco has increased the kerf on every tooth, improved the cutting performance from the previous series, maximized chip flow, and provided better saw RPM control. All of these enhancements mean your saw teeth will work harder and last longer.
Our customers will pay the same price point as they did for previous series and receive a longer-lasting product that reduces overall annual operating costs. With most popular teeth types available in both steel and carbide, our teeth can be interchanged with any of our most popular products.
Contact us to find out more information on Quadco or to learn more about our products.
Phone: 1-800 668-3340